WildCare's Wildlife Hospital is OPEN to admit patients 9am - 5pm, but our Courtyard and Museum are closed to visitors.*

WildCare is a wildlife hospital, nature education center and wildlife advocacy organization located in San Rafael, California. Each year we treat over 3,500 ill, injured and orphaned wild animal patients in the Wildlife Hospital, reach over 20,000 children and adults through our Terwilliger Nature Education Programs, and help thousands of people everywhere to live well with wildlife.



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Found an Animal?

Call our Wildlife Hotline 415-456-SAVE

We provide ongoing care for wildlife with our dedicated team of staff and volunteers.

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Education Programs

Bring nature and wildlife to the classroom! 

WildCare's Nature Education Programs teach children to love and value the natural world!

*WildCare's Courtyard and Museum are closed to visitors out of concern for our resident Wildlife Ambassador animals due to the detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in birds in California. Learn more...

Don't miss the latest wildlife patient stories, news and events from WildCare.

Our Impact

children and adults educated about nature and wildlife every year
ill, injured and orphaned wild animals cared for every year

Explore Wildcare


Lend a Hand!

We depend upon the commitment of over 250 volunteers to help staff our programs, including our core animal aid and education programs.

Learn about volunteer opportunities for:

  • Animal Hospital
  • Nature Guide
  • Animal Transport
  • Facility Support
  • Internships
  • And more

Stories from the Wildlife Hospital

Enjoy amazing stories (with photos and videos!) of animals receiving care in our Wildlife Hospital. These stories of rescue, recovery and release will warm your heart and help you appreciate the work WildCare does to help animals every day!