Baby Great Horned Owl
‘Tis the season for baby raptors! Every May and June, WildCare’s Wildlife Hospital and our raptor reunite volunteers are kept busy with fluffy, fallen baby birds of prey.
If they’re healthy and uninjured from their fall from the nest, Great Horned Owlets like these (and any bird!) can be returned to their parents’ care. It’s a myth that a bird won’t take her nestling back if he has been touched by a human– birds absolutely WILL take their babies back into the nest!
But the problem is finding the nest, and the parent owls. In the case of the young baby in the photo at the top of the page, the nest isn’t anywhere near where the baby was found.
Dedicated volunteers continue to search for the nest in the vicinity, with hopes the baby may be reunited with his parents. But until the nest is found, this fluffy youngster needs warmth, a safe enclosure and all the mice he can eat.
Won’t you donate today to help us provide his care?
As a supporter of WildCare, I’m sure you realize that our work this year to help baby wildlife is just beginning. So many orphaned animals like these owlets will need to be rescued, healed (if they’re injured) and given the chance to return to the wild.
That’s why I hope you’ll support WildCare today.
Thank you for being a true friend to animals in need.