First Baby Squirrels of 2019

As the winter storms continue to roll in, WildCare has admitted our first tiny orphaned squirrels of 2019.

Like all of the hundreds of orphaned baby animals we will admit this spring, these little ones needed immediate care. You can help!

This newborn squirrel tumbled from a tree in the high winds that have accompanied the “Atmospheric River” currently pouring across our region.

He arrived at WildCare bruised and chilled, and sadly, two of his siblings didn’t survive their ordeal. But the third baby squirrel survived, and he is thriving in Foster Care with one of our squirrel experts!

Like so many baby squirrels that will come to WildCare this spring and summer, this baby needs to be fed every three hours. He needs warmth, a cozy place to sleep, and, as he gets older, he will need nuts, acorns and a big enclosure in which to learn adult squirrel skills.

Kindhearted generosity from people like you gives second chances to many vulnerable wild animals like this baby squirrel. Won’t you donate today?

In the next days we will spread the word to check for fallen nests after high winds, and over the next months we will also be working hard to share the message to delay non-emergency tree work until autumn, and to always check carefully for nests before pruning or trimming trees and shrubs. This is extremely important work.

That’s why I hope you’ll support WildCare today.

Thank you for being a true friend to animals in need.