First Orphaned Baby Raccoon of 2017
The first orphaned raccoon of 2017 has arrived, and she has a very sad story.
A homeowner saw that the door to his shed was ajar and walked in to find a mother raccoon denning with her babies.
Not wishing to disturb the little family, the homeowner left quickly, but the mother raccoon must have felt her babies were at risk. That night she moved them, one by one, to a new den location.
Except she didn’t take this little female.
Maybe she is the runt of the litter. Maybe the mother raccoon got frightened off. We’ll never know why this tiny raccoon was left on her own, but we’re so glad the caring homeowner knew to call WildCare!
A second reunite attempt the following night failed, so this tiny baby raccoon, now warm, hydrated and well-cared for, is in WildCare’s Raccoon Foster Care. She’ll be in care for at least the next three months.
Watch her being weighed in our video below, and stay tuned for more photos and videos of this little orphan and the other raccoon babies we’re sure to see soon!