Wildlife Patient Stories
Extraordinary Skunk Rescue in Front of WildCare
WildCare’s Wildlife Hospital is at its busiest right now, but our team is never too busy to help an animal in need! A panicked pedestrian came to WildCare’s front gate, pointing…
Patients of Many Species at WildCare
Peregrine Falcon Fledglings 2024 has been a banner year for young raptors at WildCare, including fledgling Peregrine Falcons! We have admitted and treated five of these extraordinary birds this summer.…
Baby Red-Shouldered Hawks at WildCare
At WildCare we are always impressed at the lengths to which raptor parents will go to raise their young.In the week before Father’s Day, our thoughts have turned especially to…
Emaciated Pelicans at WildCare
Wildlife experts up and down the California coast are concerned that Brown Pelicans are facing another “stranding event” like the one we saw in 2022.That year, our partner organization International…
Baby Skunks at WildCare
Five baby skunks arrived at the Wildlife Hospital after being rescued from a freeway on-ramp! Fortunately a driver saw the five little skunks, tails high, marching up the on-ramp and…
Reunited Great Horned Owlets
Although Great Horned Owls are very good parents, they aren’t exactly champion nest builders. In fact, these large owls don’t even build their own nests– they take over the already-built…
This Duckling Nearly Drowned
A mother Mallard leads her ducklings to water as soon as possible after they hatch, but the water source she chooses isn’t always safe!This duckling’s mother led him and his…
Orphaned Opossums at WildCare
These baby Virginia Opossums came to WildCare after a very traumatic experience: their mother wandered too close to a road, and was killed by a car. Astonishingly, although not all of…
Baby Jackrabbits and Fawns — the 5 Cs
Every spring WildCare admits a number of animals, usually fawns and baby jackrabbits, but also fledgling birds, that have been “kidnapped” by well-meaning people who found them alone and assumed…
First Baby Squirrel of 2024
It’s not exactly unusual for WildCare to admit our first tiny, pink baby squirrel in the month of February, but it’s not the norm either!WildCare admits over 80% of our…