Squirrels, Skunks, Opossums — Oh My!
It’s April, and wildlife baby season is here!
Whether it’s a nest of baby squirrels cut out of a tree, tiny newborn baby skunks brought to us after their mother died from poison, or young opossums arriving in the pouch of their mother who was hit by a car, every day brings new orphaned babies to WildCare’s Wildlife Hospital.
All of these young animals will be in care for months.
Help us care for the hundreds of orphaned animals that will arrive at WildCare between now and August! Click to become a sustaining member of WildCare, and join a select group of people who make monthly donations to WildCare and who help make the long-term care of these orphaned baby animals possible!
Your monthly gift will be MATCHED for a YEAR up to $9,000 by generous donors Robert and Denise Kline!
This baby squirrel and her siblings were orphaned when their nest was cut from a tree. We were unable
to reunite them with their mother, so they are growing up in Foster Care at WildCare.
They will be released back to the wild as soon as they are old enough to survive on their own.
Baby squirrels love avocado, as evidenced by this little one’s happy smacking noises as she eats.
Avocado and other foods are offered between feeds of specialized squirrel formula to supplement the diet,
and to gently introduce our baby squirrels to the foods they’ll find once they are released.
Be sure to turn up your audio to hear the hilarious smacking noises she makes as she eats!
This baby skunk and her siblings were orphaned when their mother was poisoned!
Mom unfortunately did not survive, but the three babies will grow up in Foster Care at WildCare
until they are old enough to return to the wild. In this video, taken earlier this week, the baby
is about a week old. She doesn’t really have fur yet, but she does already have stripes!
The mother of these two opossums was hit by a car and suffered a skull fracture among other severe
injuries. Her babies were safely protected in her marsupium (or pouch), however, so they arrived at the
Wildlife Hospital without injury. In this video they have just received a warm bath and are being gently
towel-dried. In the background you can hear WildCare’s Veterinarian and Assistant Director of Animal Care
discussing another patient. Just a typical morning in the Wildlife Hospital!