Wildlife Camp

Registration is now open for Spring and Summer Camp!

Please scroll to read further details about the camp. For questions or concerns contact Kate Lynch by email, education@discoverwildcare.org, or by calling 415-453-1000 ext. 190.

¡Ahora puede inscribirse en español!

¡Haga clic aquí para ver toda la información sobre los campamentos de WildCare 2025 en español!

Haga clic aquí para solicitar una beca.

Haga clic aquí para nuestra inscripción regular a precio completo.

Las familias que ya han asistido a uno de nuestros campamentos pueden acceder a su cuenta en wildcare.campmanagement.com/campers.

Si ha olvidado su contraseña, haga clic en «¿Cuál es mi contraseña?». Si no está seguro de qué correo electrónico está asociado a su cuenta, envíe un correo electrónico carlypucci@discoverwildcare.org o llame al 415-453-1000 ext. 300.

Para preguntas o dudas en español, por favor contacte a Carly Pucci por correo electrónico a carlypucci@discoverwildcare.org o por teléfono al 415-453-1000 ext. 300.

Go wild with WildCare's camps!

Wildlife Camp provides campers with an unforgettable wildlife experience, including live animal visits from our rescued wildlife ambassadors, animal-themed games, nature crafts, nature excursions and much more!

Weekly camp programs are designed to captivate, engage and challenge young people, while building conservation knowledge and values.

Wildlife Camp is a fun way to stimulate learning about wildlife and instill a life-long respect for the environment. Our mission is to teach children to live well with wildlife.

Small groups in a secure setting

Programs are taught by experienced teachers/naturalists who share their enthusiasm, knowledge and sense of wonder with children. The teacher is assisted by an adult teaching aide and a student assistant. Group size ranges from 14-16 children. 

Where are WildCare's camps being held in 2025?

WildCare's Wildlife Hospital and Ambassador Animals will be located at our Transition site for two years while our new facility is being constructed at Albert Park Lane in San Rafael. WildCare's Winter and Spring Wildlife Camps will be held at 175 N Redwood Drive in San Rafael as our Transition location is not large enough to house WildCare's Wildlife Camps. WildCare's Wildlife Summer Camps will be held at Dominican University's Angelico Hall at 20 Olive Avenue in San Rafael.

Our live ambassador animals will come to visit camp so your camper won’t miss out on their amazing wildlife experiences. We thank you for your understanding during this time of transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our education team at education@discoverwildcare.org or by calling 415-453-1000 ext. 190.

If you are interested in visiting, WildCare's Transition site is open for visitors! Go to discoverwildcare.org/visit to view our visiting hours.

WildCare’s Wildlife Hospital remains open for admissions of injured or orphaned animals 9:00am - 5:00pm, 7 days a week. If you have found an injured or orphaned animal, please call our hotline at 415-456-7283 (SAVE) for instructions.

Wildlife Camp Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made more than five weeks prior to the session’s start date will incur a $75 administrative fee.  Cancellations made less than five weeks prior to the session’s start date are non-refundable. There are no partial refunds for missed days.

Camp sessions are optimally designed for the stated grade groups. Please do not register your camper in a session for which they are not eligible. If you register your camper for a session for which they are not grade-appropriate, WildCare reserves the right to cancel your camper’s enrollment and apply our cancellation policy.

Medication Policy

Our staff is not authorized to administer medications of any kind to campers. If your child requires medication during the day they must be able to self-administer with minimal supervision. Campers will carry their own emergency medications such as Epipens and inhalers and camp staff will instruct and support campers should an emergency arise.

COVID-19 and Contagious Illness

We are no longer requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for our program but we ask that a child showing signs or symptoms of any contagious illness stay home. All participants are welcome to wear a mask if they choose.

Login to CampSite for Returning Users!

Returning users can click the button below or head to https://wildcare.campmanagement.com/campers to enroll for 2025, fill out forms, apply for a scholarship, and more!* 

For new Scholarship Requests, click here. 

For new Registration, click here. 

For full information on each session of camp, please scroll to read more below.

*If you have forgotten your password, please click "What's my password?". If you are unsure what email is associated with your account, email education@discoverwildcare.org or call 415-453-1000 ext. 190. 

Wildlife Camp Sessions

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WildCare Summer Wildlife Camp

Wildlife Camp Swim Policy

This year we are excited to announce that any camp session visiting McNears Beach Park will have an hour of swim time near the end of the day on Thursday. Non-swimmers are welcome but will be asked to wear a life jacket (water wings, swim rings, and other flotation devices are not acceptable due to safety concerns). McNears Beach Park Pool will have a limited number of life jackets available, but we cannot guarantee availability.
At WildCare, we are committed to keeping your child safe while swimming. The McNears Beach Park Pool is staffed with professionally trained lifeguards to keep our swimmers safe. Our Camp Teacher and support staff have been trained in pool safety and will be present with campers during swim time. Campers are welcome to stick to the shallow end (three feet deep) if they are not confident swimmers.
If your child does not want to attend the swim portion, our Camp Teacher can help arrange for you to pick them up early or let them play on the pool deck without swimming. Please reach out to our camp teacher Casey directly with any questions by email, casey@discoverwildcare.org, or by phone, 415-453-1000 ext. 200. We are happy to discuss reasonable accommodations. 
Campers will be asked to wear their swimsuits under their clothes as the McNears Beach Park Pool does not have a suitable space for children to change in.

Scholarships Available!

WildCare wants to ensure that every child has a chance to participate in Wildlife Camp. If you feel that you will need financial assistance in order for your child to attend camp, please click to, fill out and submit the scholarship request form. Currently only Spring Camp scholarships are available.