ALERT! WildCare's Transition location is OPEN  to admit rescued wildlife and

for limited visiting hours!

Call WildCare's Hotline at 415-456-7283 and bring your rescued animal to WildCare Transition on Schmidt Lane off North San Pedro Road in San Rafael, 9am - 5pm, seven days a week.

WildCare's Wildlife Ambassador Zone at our Transition location will be open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10am to 3pm. Click here to learn more!

WildCare's postal address: 76 Albert Park Lane, San Rafael, CA 94901

WildCare's Wildlife Hospital will be located at our Transition site for two years while our new facility is being constructed at Albert Park Lane in San Rafael. All of WildCare's programs (except our Wildlife Camps) are now located at WildCare Transition. Click to learn more!




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Found an Animal?

Call our Wildlife Hotline 415-456-SAVE

We provide ongoing care for wildlife with our dedicated team of staff and volunteers.

Casey Teaching With Pelican

Education Programs

Bring nature and wildlife to the classroom! 

WildCare's Nature Education Programs teach children to love and value the natural world!

Don't miss the latest wildlife patient stories, news and events from WildCare.

Our Impact

children and adults educated about nature and wildlife every year
ill, injured and orphaned wild animals cared for every year

Explore Wildcare


Lend a Hand!

We depend upon the commitment of over 250 volunteers to help staff our programs, including our core animal aid and education programs.

Learn about volunteer opportunities for:

  • Animal Hospital
  • Nature Guide
  • Animal Transport
  • Facility Support
  • Internships
  • And more

Stories from the Wildlife Hospital

Enjoy amazing stories (with photos and videos!) of animals receiving care in our Wildlife Hospital. These stories of rescue, recovery and release will warm your heart and help you appreciate the work WildCare does to help animals every day!