Teacher Resources
Bring WildCare to your students with our fun, free Teacher Resources!
Pre-visit activities prepare your students for their upcoming program by engaging them in the study of the natural world. Post-visit activities expand upon students’ new knowledge and offer ways they can keep learning how to live well with wildlife in their own neighborhood. Each grade-appropriate activity is presented as a web page with printable PDFs that can be shared with students remotely or in the classroom.
Nature Van Program Resources for Teachers
Prepare your class for an upcoming Terwilliger Nature Van visit or use these Student Activity Sheets to engage students in the study of the natural world for any curriculum. Each grade-appropriate resource will open as a PDF for easy downloading or printing.
Pre-Van Activities
- Grades PreK-1 Peregrine.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Word Tracing.pdf
- Grades K-1 Flight Feet.pdf
- Grades 1-2 Missing Vowels.pdf
- Grades 2-4 Bird Vocabulary.pdf
- Grades 2-4 Wingspans.pdf
- Grades 2-6 Wing Rates.pdf
- Grades 3-6 Beaks.pdf
- Grades 4-6 Decoder.pdf
Post-Van Activities
- Grades PreK-1 Snowy Egret.pdf
- Grades PreK-3 Sounds and Calls.pdf
- Grades PreK-K Unscramble.pdf
- Grades K-2 Match Food Beak.pdf
- Grades K-4 Poorwill Camouflage.pdf
- Grades 2-4 WordSearch.pdf
- Grades 2-5 Word Search.pdf
- Grades 3-6 20 Questions Math.pdf
- Grades 3-6 Matching Quiz.pdf
- Grades 4-8 New Species.pdf
Pre-Van Activities
- Grades PreK-1 Baby Memory.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Opossum.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Word Tracing.pdf
- Grades K-1 Animal Groups.pdf
- Grades K-1 Frog Life Cycle.pdf
- Grades K-2 Squirrel Habitat.pdf
- Grades 1-2 Missing Vowels.pdf
- Grades 2-3 Canines Felines.pdf
- Grades 2-3 Fawn Reading.pdf
- Grades 2-4 Animal Vocabulary.pdf
- Grades 3-6 Decoder.pdf
Post-Van Activities
- Grades PreK-K Count the Animals.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Coloring Pages.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Matching Classes.pdf
- Grades PreK-K Unscramble.pdf
- Grades K-2 Food Match.pdf
- Grades 1-2 Unscramble.pdf
- Grades 1-3 Classify.pdf
- Grades 1-3 Poorwill Camo.pdf
- Grades 2-4 Word Search.pdf
- Grades 2-5 20 Q and Wild Math.pdf
- Grades 2-5 True or False.pdf
- Grades 3-5 Matching Quiz.pdf
- Grades 3-6 Food Web.pdf
- Grades 4-6 Word Search.pdf
Pre-Van Activities
Post-Van Activities
- Grades PreK-K Count the Mammals.pdf
- Grades PreK-K Unscramble.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Coloring.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Match Time.pdf
- Grades K-1 Unscramble.pdf
- Grades 1-4 Create Mammal.pdf
- Grades 2-5 20 Q and Wild Math.pdf
- Grades 3-6 Classified.pdf
- Grades 3-6 Matching Quiz.pdf
- Grades 4-6 Vertebrates.pdf
- Grades HS Class and Order.pdf
Pre-Van Activities
Pre-Van Activities
Post-Van Activities
- Grades PreK-K Count the Animals.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Coloring Pages.pdf
- Grades PreK-K Unscramble.pdf
- Grades K-1 Shelter Matching.pdf
- Grades K-1 Unscramble.pdf
- Grades K-2 Forest Layers.pdf
- Grades 2-5 Word Search.pdf
- Grades 2-6 20 Q and Wild Math.pdf
- Grades 3-6 Matching Quiz.pdf
- Grades 4-8 Owl Debate.pdf
Pre-Van Activities
- Grades 1-2 Missing Vowels.pdf
- Grades 1-3 Trash Sorting Worksheet.pdf
- Grades 2-4 Vocabulary.pdf
- Grades 2-4 Water Saving Solutions.pdf
- Grades 2-5 Decomposition Relay.pdf
- Grades 3-5 Choices.pdf
- Grades 3-5 Scenarios.pdf
- Grades 4-8 Water Tracking.pdf
- Grades K-1 Pollution Types.pdf
- Grades K-2 Nature Walk Bingo.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Crayons.pdf
- Grades PreK-K Save Water.pdf
Pre-Van Activities
- Grades PreK-1 Coloring Pages.pdf
- Grades PreK-1 Word Tracing.pdf
- Grades K-1 Frog Life Cycle.pdf
- Grades K-3 Beak Match.pdf
- Grades K-5 Disappearing Habitat.pdf
- Grades 2-4 Wetland Vocabulary.pdf
- Grades 2-5 Marsh Math.pdf
- Grades 3-5 Vocab Word Search.pdf
- Grades 3-8 Crumpled Watershed.pdf
- Grades 5-8 Pond Restoration.pdf
- Grades 6-8 Decode.pdf
Pre-Van Activities
Nature Hike Resources for Teachers
Prepare your class for an upcoming Terwilliger Nature Hike or use these Student Activity Sheets to engage students in the study of the natural world for any curriculum. Each grade-appropriate resource will open as a PDF for easy downloading or printing.
Directions to Field Trip Sites
Click below for driving directions to WildCare's field trip locations.
- From Highway 101 take the Paradise Drive exit.
- From the north, turn left at the stop light getting into the right lane. Continue through the next stop light
- From the south, getting into the right lane, turn right at the stop light.
- Bear right onto San Clemente Drive. At the next stop light the road becomes Paradise Drive. Continue through the next light.
- After Westward Drive on the right, look for the Ring Mountain Preserve sign on the right (approximately 1-1/2 miles from Hwy 101. Park along the road.
- If coming on a long trip, please stop at San Clemente Park for the bathrooms (on the left after Prince Royal Drive).
Click for a printable PDF of these directions.
From San Francisco, Peninsula, or South Bay to Muir Woods
- Take Highway 101 North across the Golden Gate Bridge.
- Exit Highway l/Stinson Beach (there will be a sign for Muir Woods at this exit)
- Drive about .5 miles. At the 2nd stoplight, turn left.
- Drive about 2.7 miles. At the top of the hill, turn right towards Muir Woods/Mount Tamalpais.
- Drive about 0.8 miles. At the 4-way intersection, turn left towards Muir Woods (oncoming traffic has the right of way!).
- Continue down the hill about 1.6 miles.
From Berkeley, Oakland, or East Bay to Muir Woods
- Take Interstate 80 East from the Bay Bridge.
- Exit Interstate 580 West for the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge
- Exit Hwy 101 South
- Exit Highway l/Stinson Beach (there will be a sign for Muir Woods at this exit)
- Drive about .5 miles. At the 2nd stoplight, turn left.
- Drive about 2.7 miles. At the top of the hill, tum right towards Muir WoodslMount Tamalpais.
- Drive about 0.8 miles. At the 4-way intersection, turn left towards Muir Woods (oncoming traffic has the right of way!).
- Continue down the hill about 1.6 miles.
From San Rafael, Santa Rosa, or North Bay to Muir Woods
- Take Highway 101 South
- Exit Highway 1 / Stinson Beach (there will be a sign for Muir Woods at this exit)
- Drive about. 5 miles. At the 2nd stoplight, turn left.
- Drive about 2.7 miles. At the top of the hill, turn right towards Muir Woods / Mount Tamalpais.
- Drive about 0.8 miles. At the 4-way intersection, turn left towards Muir Woods (oncoming traffic has the right of way!)
- Continue down the hill about 1.6 miles.
From the South:
- Take Hwy 101 North;
- Take the North San Pedro Road exit.
- See “Everyone” below.
From the North:
- Take Hwy 101 South;
- Exit North San Pedro Road;
- Turn left at the stop sign onto Merrydale;
- Continue to the first stop light, getting into the left turn lane;
- Turn left and proceed under the overpass (you should be on North San Pedro Road);
- See “Everyone” below.
- From the stop light by the Civic Center, go straight and continue about 3 miles on North San Pedro Road
- Go past the Back Ranch Campground entrance on your right.
- Look for the Miwok Meadows sign on your right.
- Park on the side of the road and meet at the red gate by the Miwok Meadows sign.
Free Virtual Nature Hikes
Grade levels: 2nd-4th grade
Program length: 15-20 minutes
Cost: Free
WildCare’s Terwilliger Nature Guides have created three exciting Virtual Nature Hikes to bring the forest and grassland habitats to your students during distance learning.
Using the interactive techniques of Mrs. Terwilliger, your students will learn about the adaptations of our local plants and animals.
Who lives in the redwood forest? What plants and animals are used by the Coast Miwok? What do Dusky-footed Woodrats store in their stick houses? Why do fence lizards do push-ups? Students will learn the answers to these questions as well as what makes each ecosystem special.
WildCare’s Terwilliger Nature Guides have created three exciting 15-20 minute Virtual Nature Hikes to bring the forest and grassland habitats to your students during distance learning.
Using the interactive techniques of Mrs. Terwilliger, your students will learn about the adaptations of our local plants and animals.
Who lives in the redwood forest? What plants and animals are used by the Coast Miwok? What do Dusky-footed Woodrats store in their stick houses? Why do fence lizards do push-ups? Students will learn the answers to these questions as well as what makes each ecosystem special.
Click for the Teacher Resource Guide for the Virtual Redwood Forests Nature Hike (PDF).
Join Terwilliger Nature Guides as they explore Miwok Meadows in China Camp State Park.
Come along as they spot a Coyote, Black-tailed Mule Deer, Wild Turkeys, Western Gray Squirrel, Western Fence Lizards, and a Black-tailed Jackrabbit!
Nature Guides share how to spot animal signs such as scat, spider turrets, oak galls, and nests, and explain how these animals make their living in the oak woodland and grassland habitats.
What can you learn by looking at animal scat? Why do fence lizards do push ups? What do Dusky-footed Woodrats store in their huge stick nests? Learn the answers to these questions and so much more!
Click for the Teacher Resource Guide for the Virtual Miwok Meadows Nature Hike (PDF).
Join Terwilliger Nature Guides as they explore the unique habitats of Ring Mountain Open Space Preserve.
Learn about the plants and animals that the Coast Miwok use and how resident wildlife such as Red-tailed Hawks, Gopher Snakes, Coyotes, and Dusky-footed Woodrats survive in this landscape.
Some of the plants highlighted are Poison Oak, Coast Live Oak, Bay Laurel, Buckeyes and the Tiburon Mariposa Lily that grows nowhere else on earth.
We will also share some of Ring Mountain’s very special geological and cultural features. Discover all of this and more!
Click for the Teacher Resource Guide for the Virtual Ring Mountain Nature Hike (PDF).
As preparation for your hike, take a virtual field trip with Mrs. T at terwilligerfilms.org
Produced specifically for Grades K- 5, these wonderful nature education films feature acclaimed naturalist-teacher and conservationist, Elizabeth Terwilliger. Her unique interactive, multi-sensory teaching techniques inspire children to respect and appreciate Nature. As adults, they will be prepared to make responsible decisions to protect and preserve our natural environment.
School librarians may request a free DVD of the Tripping with Terwilliger Habitat Adventure Series at terwilligerfilms.org.